Tips from the Nutritionist from Oasis Fertility for National Nutrition Week 2021

The nutrition required for a woman across her pregnancy life cycle - what should she eat from her first trimester after she conceives.   by Ms.Flora Amritha, Nutritionist from Oasis Fertility

Pregnancy is the most memorable journey of a couple, which is the transition from a couple to a family. Everyone takes care of the pregnant lady as she goes through emotional imbalance and lots of cravings. However, there are some superfoods which are needed to be consumed by the mother. Here is the list of foods that one should consume during pregnancy, which nourishes both the mother and baby.

Folic Acid: Folic acid is one of the important key nutrients for the normal development of the neural tube of the baby. Low levels of folic acid are commonly associated with a neural tube defect.

Food sources of folic acid include almonds, avocado, legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, and dried figs. If you’re taking a prenatal-specific multi-vitamin, you’ll find that most of these supplements contain higher amounts of folic acid.

Eggs: The most important thing to be added to your diet. As we all know eggs are an incredible source of high protein, fats, and minerals including zinc and selenium level. And all these important vitamins are needed for the overall growth of the baby.

Milk: Another very important product during pregnancy as the mother needs extra protein and calcium. Lactose, which contains a sugar called galactose helps in the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby.

Whole grain: 60% of the diet should be from carbohydrates. It gives instant energy, also a good source of fiber, iron, vitamin B. Also, the mom-to-be has to add oatmeal, whole wheat/ multigrain bread, broken wheat, brown rice to the diet.

Lean Meat: It is also a good source of iron and B-complex vitamin and is very essential for a women’s health. Vitamin C helps to absorb iron from the meat and hence it`s best to eat meat loaded with vitamin C. Due to the presence of iron, lean meat helps to fight anemia and promotes red blood production in the mother.

Green leafy Vegetables: Vegetables like cabbage, spinach, kale, and other green vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories. Along with Vitamins A, C, and K, these provide a lot of benefits to the mother and the child.

We all know that it is very important to maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy because if the pregnant woman doesn’t eat enough during early pregnancy may lead to jeopardizing the baby’s brain development.

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