Beware of these travelling scams that could ruin your trip

Do you get emails telling you, that you won holiday trips or you have attractive offers for your travel? Make sure that it’s not a prey that will charge you hefty amounts later on. Read on to know more about such travel scams.

Travelling is an option chosen by people for relaxation and to skip their usual routine. But imagine, once in a while your travel expedition turns to be a nightmare.  You went to gain your piece of mind but return being stressed with scams. Familiarize yourself with these common scams you may encounter on your trip. From cab drivers to over friendly hotel staff or from travel guides to locals you can be tripped at any moment if you do not pay attention.

Prepare yourself for these crooked scams you may come across.

Joining Travel Clubs

Travel clubs claim that you can have access to incredibly cheap vacations. Though once you join it, you’ll find that you could have arranged a cheaper vacation by yourself. It is advised that anyone considering joining a travel club should research well about it. Surfing the Internet thoroughly and looking for reviews will definitely help you through.

Car-Rental Collision Damage Waivers

Often when you take a vehicle on rent during holidays, you’re persuaded to take Collision Damage Waiver that prevents you to pay huge amount of money in case of damage. But when you’ll check, most of the major credit cards already cover deductible collision coverage for free. This lets you save the money you were going to lend in the name of cash.

Congratulation! You Won a Free Trip

How often do we receive such emails, but do not fall prey to it. Often when travelers avail these offers, they are asked to verify their credit card details and at that moment the actual hefty amount is deducted. The government is working on to crack these scams down, but you need to be careful that you don’t believe them and don’t give away your card details.

Fake International Driving Permits

The government has been warning several times against fake driving permits, but very often tourists fall for it. There are only two American associations that are legally authorized to issue International Driving Permit (IDPs), the American Automobile Association (AAA) and the American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA. The scammers ask you to pay huge junk of money and issue a fake permit which is not even acceptable.

Rental Property Scam

It’s been a popular culture to travel in a country like a native, to explore their cultures and live like them. In order to suffice this people search for such rental places and scammers ditch them. They ask you pay n advance or act like a broker and in both the cases disappear with the money, because they don’t have a property to rent.

Be attentive not to fall for such scams. If you have some more to add to the list or had such awful experience, share it with NYOOOZ

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