Find your lost things the right way
- Abhijit
- Thursday | 13th July, 2017

Your valuables disappear all of sudden and you search fanatically for them. Still you’re unable to find them and one day they reappear out of thin air, it is because you didn’t look the right way. With these simple reminders, find your things easily.
Are you among those clumsy fellows who cannot find their things in place? You often have to struggle to look for keys, specks, earrings or papers? You needn’t worry we are all alike. We get fanatic as soon as somebody asks us to find something. We are often labeled as unorganized, messy and careless and few other synonyms you understand well. Several researchers have come up solutions for finding you lost, compiling a list of some solutions to find your things easily. Have a look
Designate places for objects
Most of the times we lose our things because we place them anywhere around the house. Start by designating a definite place for each object. Like a hook for your keys, a table or rack for your spectacles and mobile charger and place them subsequently. Once you get in the habit you won’t lose them.
May be you didn’t misplace it
May be you kept it at the right place, but your house help maid placed it somewhere else. Ask them if they kept it safely somewhere and forgot to inform you. Ask everybody who will be concerned first and when that doesn’t work start your step by step search.
The domestic drift
If you cannot find a particular thing in a place, it’s not because it’s lost, it’s because you have probably placed it somewhere else. And probably that ‘somewhere else’ is the place it was used last. For instance, often you leave your car keys in the car itself and your specs between the books. So before you have your panic attack sessions look thoughtfully.
Probably it’s camouflaged
Often things are right infront of your eyes but you cannot look at it. Most common reason behind it is that it’s camouflaged or hidden under a large object. Like your favorite pair of earrings might be under your handkerchief. Did you look there?
Follow your footsteps
If you cannot find your belongings in the last place, may be you forgot them somewhere else. Retrace your path to see what places you went, you might find them somewhere near. Skip the haphazard searching and take a while to speculate where you could have left things.
We totally understand how it feels when you lose your valuables. But before you get into panic mode search with three 3Cs i.e. Comfort, Calmness and Confidence and you’ll have your thing in your hand.

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