Navratri 2017: Science approves that fasting is good for your health

Did you know that fasting is actually good for your health? Not only does it detoxifies your body, but improves your cardiovascular system and boosts immunity. Know how you gain some extra health points while fasting.

Celebrating the holiness of Shakti, Navratri is observed to bow down to the power of Goddess Durga. Nine days of fast are observed all over the country for people donned with high spirits of festivity. During the fast people go very specific with what they should eat and what they shouldn’t. Deciding on the type of flour to include all the necessary nutrients in the diet, fasting is an added benefit to your health.

Here are some benefits of fasting approved by science, have a look

 Fasts help you to detoxify your body

On usual days, when somebody asks us to go through a detoxify trail, we would hardly be able to agree with them. But during this span of nine days, we start to follow all the steps of detoxifying, like having fruits, hydrating ourselves and having nutritious milk, milk products and dry fruits.

Relaxes your digestion system

Throughout the year we keep eating junks like fried foods, unhygienic street food and much more. Our digestive system has to through a tough time digesting all of this. Fasting helps our system to relax a bit, as during fast we generally eat light food, which can be easily digested.

It boosts your immune system


 According to nutrition and wellness experts, fasting rejuvenates the immune system. It clears out old immune cells and regenerates new ones. This process helps protect against cell damage caused by factors such as aging and chemotherapy.

Helps in burning fat

Since our diets reduce during fasts, your body starts burning fat reserves. Fat stored in the excess amount near organs like liver and kidney. Fasting helps to burn this fat and facilitates better functioning of these organs.

Improves cardiovascular health

Because of an unhealthy diet, we ruin our health, it`s during fasts that we increase the intake of healthy food supplements like vegetables, unsweetened beverages which in turn helps to improve our cardiovascular function, blood pressure etc.

So now you have some more reasons to fasts during Navratri and gain some extra health points.

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