After gold at Lucknow University, 2 girls aim for skies

  • | Friday | 23rd December, 2016

My aim is to run for the country in the Olympics," said Vijay Laxmi, who comes from a humble background. The Lucknow University Athletic Association finalised the names on Thursday. LUCKNOW: Having represented India in the 8th Asian Soft Tennis Championship in Japan in November, she aims to wave the Tricolour at Asian Games.Mariyam Khan will be awarded the coveted Shankar Sahai Mauranwa Gold Medal at Lucknow University 's convocation next month. The medal is awarded to the sportsman/woman who has the best academic record.The Pierre Gold Medal for the best sportsperson is bagged by Vijay Laxmi of Jai Narain PG College for winning three medals in steeplechase at the national level. I am pursuing MBA but will make a career in sports," said Mariyam.

LUCKNOW: Having represented India in the 8th Asian Soft Tennis Championship in Japan in November, she aims to wave the Tricolour at Asian Games.Mariyam Khan will be awarded the coveted Shankar Sahai Mauranwa Gold Medal at Lucknow University 's convocation next month. The medal is awarded to the sportsman/woman who has the best academic record.The Pierre Gold Medal for the best sportsperson is bagged by Vijay Laxmi of Jai Narain PG College for winning three medals in steeplechase at the national level. The Lucknow University Athletic Association finalised the names on Thursday. "I have won 800 meters, steeplechase racing and cross-country race. My aim is to run for the country in the Olympics," said Vijay Laxmi, who comes from a humble background."I am preparing for Asian Games to be held in 2018. I am pursuing MBA but will make a career in sports," said Mariyam.

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