Ranchi’s all-woman car rally turns into ‘campaign on wheels’

  • | Sunday | 31st March, 2019

We chose election as our theme and decorated the car to depict the clash of political parties on it. What is more relevant right now than the elections itself!”The other interesting themes at the rally included road safety and healthy eating tips —conceptualized by the participants. Ranchi: With the Lok Sabha election round the corner, politics has taken the centre-stage and people from all walks of life find it normal to include political themes in their every day work. Around 75 cars took part in the grand rally.Sumana Roy Jain, another participant said: “We were asked to decorate our cars according to our choice based on any current issue or topic. Our concept is to urge people to come out and vote .”Flagged off from Ranchi Club Limited and ending in Morhbadi, the event was organized by Junior Chamber International, Ranchi’s women’s wing Udaan.

Ranchi: With the Lok Sabha election round the corner, politics has taken the centre-stage and people from all walks of life find it normal to include political themes in their every day work. It was also no surprise that the upcoming election featured big in the all-women annual car rally of Ranchi on Sunday.Participants of the rally plastered their cars with election-based slogans and stickers ranging from sending out messages on the importance of voiting to ‘Main bhi Chowkidar’.Rekha Narsaria, a participant, said, “We were given an independent choice to decorate our cars. We chose election as our theme and decorated the car to depict the clash of political parties on it. Our concept is to urge people to come out and vote .”Flagged off from Ranchi Club Limited and ending in Morhbadi, the event was organized by Junior Chamber International, Ranchi’s women’s wing Udaan. Around 75 cars took part in the grand rally.Sumana Roy Jain, another participant said: “We were asked to decorate our cars according to our choice based on any current issue or topic. What is more relevant right now than the elections itself!”The other interesting themes at the rally included road safety and healthy eating tips —conceptualized by the participants.

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